About Us

Diocesan Commission for


DCE-Banmaw is a Diocesan Commission for Education in the Diocese of Banmaw. As a local Church, the Diocese of Banmaw always advocates the right to education for the underprivileged people and stands for the rights of those people in educational affairs according to the Gospel Value, Catholic Social Teaching and Magisterium of the Church without discrimination of religions and race. In the Diocese of Banmaw, the educational development has been implemented since 2009 by KMSS Banmaw then takeover by the Diocesan Commission for Education of Banmaw (DCE-Banmaw).

In 2017, Diocesan Commission for Education (DCE-Banmaw) was established as one of the social-pastoral arms of the Catholic Church in Banmaw Diocese, Kachin State, Myanmar to respond to the needs of the crisis in educational system under the diocese. DCE-Banmaw is mainly responsible for the implementation of the educational development of the Catholic Church in Banmaw Diocese align with the vision of Holistic Education for Integral Human Development and Peace.

As faith-based and non-profit organization it also stands as Civil Society Organization. DCE-Banmaw works and collaborate with other stakeholders like (Karuna-Banmaw, Jesuit Refugee Service, Episcopal Commission for education, Enfants Du Mekong) for the betterment and enhancement of a holistic quality education of the needy marginalized, vulnerable and underprivileged people under Banmaw Diocese (especially in the remotest and non-government controlled areas).

DCE-Banmaw envisions to promote



The mission of DCE Banmaw for 2019-2024 is to upgrade our organizational capacity towards fostering holistic quality education for people in need through raising awareness and promoting humanistic education opportunities in collaboration with different stakeholders.


For Education

  • Quality
  • Inclusiveness
  • Integration
  • Happiness
  • Growth

For Networking

  • Community Participation
  • Empowerment
  • Human Dignity

For Our Project

  • Cooperation
  • Professionalism
  • Accountability



What we Do

DCE-Banmaw promotes Holistic Education …

DCE-Banmaw has been promoting the integral holistic quality education in the fields of humanitarian and development approaches prioritizing the needs and gaps of the education in the IDP camps, conflict affected areas, host communities of the remote areas that includes formal and non-formal education opportunities for the children, young people as well as capacity building trainings for the volunteer teachers and parental education awareness for the adults.


Parental Education

Child Well Being

Teacher Training



School Construction


Org. Development

How we Do It

DCE-Banmaw strategically planned and is working accordingly …

DCE-Banmaw’s 5-year strategic plan (2019-2024)’s review workshop was conducted at BELC Hall, AD-2000 on 29 January 2022 with the objectives: (1) to assess the progress to date against the goals and objectives of the strategic plan; (2) review the framework and plan based on the changing needs; and (3) explore any measures to support more efficient and effective implementation of the strategic plan. A total of 18 DCE-Banmaw members (9M, 9F) including 2 board members participated. 3 JRS staff (3F) facilitated the workshop.

Organizational Strengthening
  • Although it was planned to fully develop DCE policies by mid-2019, it was not possible. Currently, DCE-Banmaw drafted their policies based on KMSS-Banmaw’s policies. With the support from the OD consultancy group starting 2022, in partnership with JRS, DCE-Banmaw will review, revise and finalize their policies.
  • Staff’s Job Descriptions were developed and needed number of staff were recruited at the end of 2021. However, staff capacity development plan is needed, and it will be developed and implemented from 2022 onwards.
  • With the help of some specialists, DCE-Banmaw developed some project proposals. Fund raising strategy will be developed in 2022.
  • Although community contribution system was not developed yet, there are small in-kind contribution from the communities for some projects. However, this community contribution system will be explored and developed in 2023.
Coordination and Collaboration
  • The networks and partnership with some organizations were established and expanded. It will be strengthened from 2022 onwards.
  • Due to COVID-19, coordination was made virtually.
  • Through the strengthened partnership, DCE-Banmaw will engage more on joint-efforts on advocacy for the education for the children in the Diocese.
  • Advocacy training will be organized for DCE-Banmaw and advocacy plan will be developed in 2022.
Access to Quality Education
  • 31 new volunteer teachers from Banmaw Diocese graduated from the 9-month New Generation-Teacher Training Center which is a joint effort of JRS and DCE-Myitkyina. The demands of teachers from KIO-controlled areas was less in recent years. DCE-Banmaw will facilitate interested youth volunteers to join TTC, depending on the interest of the youth and DCE-Myitkyina’s plan on the continuation of TTC.
  • DCE-Banmaw will strengthen its own trainers, with the technical support from JRS, so that those trained core training team of DCE-Banmaw will be able to train volunteer teachers including ECCD teachers and boarding house educators who are under the management of DCE-Banmaw. In 2022, training of DCE-Banmaw potential trainers has started in partnership with JRS.
  • DCE-Banmaw does not have monitoring tools to measure the performance of the teachers including ECCD teachers although general monitoring was conducted. However, DCE-Banmaw has cross-monitoring tool for boarding house educators provided by Episcopal Commission for Education (ECE) at Catholic Bishop Conference of Myanmar (CBCM) based on the BH educator training curriculum. Therefore, in 2022, DCE-Banmaw, with the technical support from JRS and other partners, will review the existing monitoring tools and modify/develop monitoring tools for teachers and BH educators. Monitoring system will be strengthened to improve the service quality.
  • In the original 5-year strategic plan, ECCD program was not included yet. But in the review of the plan, improving ECCD teachers’ capacity has been added.
Increase access to formal basic education, higher education and non-formal education
  • DCE-Banmaw was able to improve learning environment for students by provision of teaching and learning materials for more than 4,000 students in the Diocese with the support of many partners, renovation of 4 boarding houses (DingSing, NBaPa, Hkapra, NHkaungPa) and construction of 6 schools (LuSuPa, LoiMaukYang, ZaiBruYang, NHkaungPa, Hkanapa-(in progress), HpungLungYang (to be done in 2022)) in collaboration with JRS.
  • Due to the military coup and COVID-19, Myanmar government schools were closed and boarding houses in GCA could not be reopened since 2020. Although Myanmar government schools were reopened in November 2021, boarding houses in GCA could not operate yet. It was observed that there was an increased number of students in NGCA. DCE-Banmaw, in collaboration with JRS, assisted additional furniture, school desks and chairs to 11 schools in NGCA in 2021.